奈米銀產品有害環境 民眾要求美國環保署禁售
提出上述請願的聯盟是由非營利組織「技術評估國際中心」(International Center for Technology Assessment, CTA)所領導,其總部位於美國華盛頓,並自稱為是奈米技術的看守員。
CTA律師金柏利(George Kimbrell)表示:「這些奈米銀產品,可算是非法販售的殺蟲劑,一旦奈米銀滲入環境當中會對魚類、其他水生物種和有益微生物(beneficial microorganisms)產生毒性反應。因此,環保署必須停止並避免這些問題,同時運用公權力履行其法律責任。」
A coalition of consumer, health, and environmental groups Thursday filed a legal petition with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, demanding that the agency use its authority to regulate pesticides to stop the sale of more than 260 consumer products using nanosized versions of silver.
The legal action is the first challenge to EPA's failure to regulate nanomaterials, which are made up of microscopic particles. One nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Nanotechnology encompasses techniques for taking apart and reconstructing natural substances such as silver at the atomic and molecular level.
Increasingly manufacturers are infusing consumer products with nanoparticle silver for what they believe to be its enhanced germ killing abilities. Nanosilver is now the most common commercialized nanomaterial.
The coalition is led by the nonprofit International Center for Technology Assessment, CTA, based in Washington, DC, a self-described nanotech watchdog.
The CTA found over 260 nano-silver products currently on the market such as household appliances and cleaners, clothing, cutlery, and children's toys, personal care products and coated electronics.
Yet as the coalition's legal petition states, the release of nano-silver may be destructive to natural environments and "raises serious human health concerns
"These nano-silver products now being illegally sold are pesticides," said George Kimbrell, CTA staff attorney. "Nano-silver is leaching into the environment, where it will have toxic effects on fish, other aquatic species and beneficial microorganisms. EPA must stop avoiding this problem and use its legal authority to fulfill its statutory duties."
Just as the size and chemical characteristics of manufactured nanoparticles can give them unique properties, those same new properties - tiny size, vastly increased surface area to volume ratio, high reactivity - can create unique and unpredictable human health and environmental risks, the coalition says.
While silver is known to be toxic to fish and aquatic organisms, recent scientific studies have shown that the nano form of silver is much more toxic and can cause damage in new ways. Exposures are occurring both during use and during disposal.
何 謂 奈 米 銀 !? |