〔本報訊〕英國執政保守黨新科國會女議員卡洛琳.諾克絲(Caroline Nokes)與市議員爆出外遇醜聞,起因於兩人偷情的房間中一個針孔鏡頭從天花板掉落床上,諾克絲為保護自身安全,將錄影畫面交給警方,整件醜聞因而曝光。

 曾被人指「太漂亮,不適合從政」的37歲已婚女議員卡洛琳.諾克絲,日前被英國媒體踢爆她跟一名27歲的市議員丁斯岱(James Dinsdale)在飯店幽會。據報導,兩人的「純肉體關係」已維持4年之久,卻在本月初才曝光,是因為諾克絲發現原先偷情飯店的收費超過議員外宿申報上 限,於是更改7日的幽會地點,到一間每晚129.25英鎊的旅館房間,較國會規定的130英鎊上限少0.75英鎊。

 媒體報導,晚間11時後,兩人相繼進入房間並發生性關係,兩小時後丁斯岱才步出房門離去。諾克絲隔日清晨起床淋浴後,赫然發現床上吊著尼龍扣帶的一部針 孔攝影機,疑似從天花板掉落。花容失色的她與友人討論過後,決定不看影帶就將它交給警方。警方告知她內容是她與丁斯岱的雲雨過程,且認定無人犯罪後,決定 停止調查。


 身為英國首相卡麥隆力挺進入國會的「卡麥隆嬌娃」(Cameron Cutie)之一的諾克絲,在緋聞曝光後仍坦然面對,隔天照常回到國會上班。





Caroline Nokes相關新聞:

Caroline Nokes and Jason McCartney seek to promote a high-skilled economy in their maiden speeches


Nokes Caroline In a maiden speech delivered yesterday, Caroline Nokes, who won Romsey and Southampton North, addressed the subject of building a high-skills economy, which was the topic of yesterday's debate on the Commons:

“Even in an area where we are fortunate to have good schools, an excellent university and companies like Ford committed to Britain’s manufacturing base, there is still a disconnect between what employers want and the skills of our school leavers. It is critical that the two are matched, and that our education system works with employers to make sure there is no skills gap.”

“Of course, building a high-skilled economy is not just about the urban centres of the constituency. There are many beautiful rural villages in the north, where problems are inevitably caused by the lack of high-speed broadband—or indeed any broadband at all—but where there is also a good strong farming tradition. The fact that agriculture is traditional does not mean that it is not high-skilled; far from it. Those skills manage and maintain our countryside and, very important, keep us fed. While focusing on the high-skilled, we must ensure that we do not let Britain’s farming tradition wither."

McCartney Jason Meanwhile, Jason McCartney - who gained the West Yorkshire constituency of Colne Valley, talked about the promoting small businesses and the importance of protecting access to service in rural areas:

"Many people say to me—other Members of the House probably hear this too—that we do not make things any more, but I am proud to say that in my constituency we do. It is not on a large scale, but I have a number of enterprising, entrepreneurial and innovative businesses that have set up, sometimes in old mills, to create products that have a niche market and that are exporting around the world… It is these sorts of little enterprises that we, in a high-skilled economy, must try to promote. We have to cut the red tape; we should support them with lower taxes; we must give them the skills in the work force and the local infrastructure so that their workers can live and work locally.

“We have got to support local rural post offices… Post offices, especially the rural ones, are struggling, and our post office network was decimated in the last decade. It is important that we support them, because once they are gone, they are gone. We also need to support things such as rural bus services, so that people can live in my rural communities and work there as well."

He also lamented the recent axeing by the BBC of Last of the Summer Wine, which was set in his constituency

"That gentle comedy about Yorkshire folk, usually going downhill in a bathtub, was very much a mainstay of our television and it helped to promote tourism in my constituency. In Holmfirth, which is just a mile up the road from where I live, we have a Compo’s caff and there is a Wrinkled Stocking café just two doors down from my new constituency office, so we will really miss that opportunity to promote tourism."

Jonathan Isaby

Posted on Friday, June 18, 2010 at 15:58 in Caroline Nokes MP, Jason McCartney MP, Maiden speeches | Permalink


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